September 7, 2024

How much do bookies make per bet?



Bookmakers, or bookies, make money by setting and adjusting the odds for various events and games. The amount they make per bet varies depending on a number of factors, including the size of the bet, the odds, and the amount of action on both sides of the bet.Be sure to check out bookie pay per head for any needs. Here’s everything you need to know about how much bookies make per bet.

Understanding the Odds

To understand how bookies make money, it’s important to first understand how odds work. Odds are a way of expressing the probability of an event occurring. Bookmakers use odds to encourage betting on both sides of a bet, which allows them to make money regardless of the outcome of the event.

For example, if a bookie is taking bets on a football game between the Patriots and the Steelers, they might set the odds at -110 for both teams. This means that a better would have to wager $110 to win $100 on either team. The bookie takes the extra $10 as a commission, known as the vigorish, or vig.

Calculating the Bookie’s Profit

The amount of money a bookie makes per bet depends on the size of the bet, the odds, and the amount of action on both sides of the bet. For example, if a bookie takes $10,000 in bets on a football game between the Patriots and the Steelers and has $5,000 on both sides of the bet, they will make $500 in profit regardless of the outcome of the game.

However, if one side of the bet is more heavily favoured than the other, the bookie may adjust the odds to encourage betting on the less favoured side. This can increase the amount of action on both sides of the bet and ultimately increase the bookie’s profit.

While bookies can make money from each bet, they also take on a significant amount of risk. If they set the odds poorly or misjudge the amount of action on both sides of the bet, they can lose money on a particular event. Additionally, if they take a large bet from a single bettor and the outcome of the event is in the bettor’s favour, the bookie can be on the hook for a significant amount of money.

Risks and Rewards for Bookies

However, if bookies manage their risk effectively and adjust the odds to encourage betting on both sides of a bet, they can make a significant amount of money over the long term. This is why bookmaking can be a lucrative business for those who are able to manage their risk effectively.


Bookmakers make money by setting and adjusting the odds for various events and games. The amount they make per bet depends on the size of the bet, the odds, and the amount of action on both sides of the bet. While bookmaking can be a lucrative business, it also comes with significant risks. Bookies who are able to manage their risk effectively and adjust the odds to encourage betting on both sides of a bet can make a significant amount of money over the long term.